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Carrots are roots vegetables that were first grown in Afghanistan around 900AD . They are commonly known by their orange Colour though they are in other different colours of purple, yellow,red, and white.

They promote Healthy vision, Balance blood sugars,help in wait management, Lower concern risks, Regulate blood pressure and reduce heart disease.

Carrots are good for pregnant mother’s and babies to prevent anemia since it is rich in Vitamin C of which increases body immunity to absorb Iron.

carrots contain beta carotene, a substance that a body convert’s to vitamin A which is Important for eye health.

“An extreme lack of vitamin A can prevent the formation contracts and mascular degeneration leading to blindness”.

carrot can be taken in very many ways , for example ,raw, steamed, roasted and boiled but the raw carrot provides the most nutritional value.

However, taking carrot by pregnant mother’s in form of a juice is risky since it increases blood sugars and too much consumption may stop Vitamin A from doing it’s job and affect your vision,bones, skin, metabolism or Immune system.

It’s very good if taken everyday without exceeding two .

Did you know about it??

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