Business owners in Kampala have closed their businesses today in complain of high taxes and the Manufacturing foreigners who are running the same businesses but with tax holidays and other benefits.
The chairperson of the Kampala Traders Association Mr.Thadeus Nagenda Musoke said that the business owners have their valid concerns but they should leave room for dialogue if they are to find solutions to their pressing issues.
The government had also set out UGX 200 billion as a recovery fund for the traders which was supposed to help them boost their businesses that were greatly affected by COVID, but it is alleged that no trader has ever benefited from that fund.
The traders are also complaining about the new electronic fiscal receipting and invoicing solution (EFRIS) which they say it is another way government is trying to get more money from them yet the Uganda Revenue Authority says that it is a system that is intended to ease tax paying processes.
Currently there is heavy deployment of police in Kampala city and the police spokes person Fred Enanga said that there are people who are using these traders for their personal interests. This was today at the Police Headquarters as he was giving their weekly media briefing.

This comes at a time when traders especially those in the clothing line are supposed to be making more money and some of them had already stocked several islamic wear in anticipation of Eid celebrations. Remember that these clothes are seasonal.