20.7 C
February 18, 2025
Regional News


It is  music Vs Politics but we should all ask ourselves why music and not any other profession?

Look at the copyright, the unprofessionalism , greediness in the Art industry, opportunist running it as they want, but again the question is why music and not Education , law or football or any-other profession?

The Base Line or The Core Of It All.

1.  In the late 70s, Sserumaga and his play of Wankoko and Kawadwa caused him problems and he was murdered.

2. John Ssegawa’s play of state of the Nation.

3. Herman Basudde and his song Bus Dunia.

 4. Then Lord Fred Ssebata’s Engo yekigwa.

5. Bizemu by Ronald Mayinja and this one is apparently on the run from the repercussions of paying his regency to the ruing party.

We are seeing the TUBONGA NAAWE effect of 2016 when the public declined their support to all who participated in that project.So the question is are they Beggars or not. The fact is, they are beggars simply because they want to sell off their  pride  for quick money.

 As we speak now the legend of art Lord Fred Ssabata’s life time music was  sold to General Saleh and directed different artists to redo them . But n the background  Ssebatta is claiming for his payment.

We are seeing the UGA TUNE factors, who owns that project and how will musicians  benefit from that  project when they don’t have a defending law to benefit from their content. The other side of the UNMF which is now headed by Eddy Kenzo who cant even manage to handle it simply because he is a crying baby and we remember when he met the president some few years back, he only received his package and a brand new car but he didn’t talk about the issue of copyright because he only cares about his own goods and thats being greedy.


We also  know it very well that Bebe cool and his long time friend Balaam, apart from getting money from the big man they have not used the opportunity to push for a pleased law that can help them to benefit from their sweats yet they have all the chances of getting but rather they misusing it.

 The General Saleh of Gulu Project.

Prominent faces like Jose Chameleon and others spent some good weeks in Gulu camp with General Saleh begging for capital but ended up forming unnecessary groups  to fight each other, but they failed to demand for a pleasant law that can protect their talents

 Musicians in the Parliament.

 All along they have been claiming that its government that fails them from benefiting from their sweat. As we speak  now from Bobi wine and Judith Babirye of the 10th Parliament, we now have Geoffrey Lutaaya, Hilder man, Kayemba Solo, are in the 11th Parliament but none of them is bothered to table  a motion that can enforce copyright and all other parted rights of products .

Do We Need The law And Why?

The law is their and its not the problem, the truth is musicians  and all members from the Art industry are lazy people they only want cheap popularity not legality, for example they pay for power play of their music but they can’t demand for royalty of their content and ask radio stations to pay for their music  that is being played on their stations..

There is poor implementation of the law. We have the copyright law and if it was implemented clearly, all parties would have gained much from this, like as it is done in other countries. But as long as the so called big artists know that if the copyright law is fully implemented all musicians will be equal because there will be no shortcuts. Now who is to blame, is it the government or the musicians because in this case, both parties carry the blame. Government uses the chance to control musicians and keep them as beggars but if they accept to implement this law government will get a lot of revenues and musicians will also benefit from their sweat.


There is this myopic thinking that concerts are the only way to get money and it is wrong. Afrigo Band has never made a concert of their music apart from celebrating their anniversaries and weekly shows but they are more respected in the industry than those who pay for poor plat and they can’t even stage a weekly show where people can pay 50k at at the entrance.


Recently a group of musicians who pay allegiance to the ruling government came up with a good idea of forming a federation and it was dubbed UNMF headed by Eddy Kenzo and Sheebah . The idea was really deep, but it was built on a zero minded foundation. If the federation was to unit musicians, even Bobi wine would have been invited to be part of it.

To make matters worse they showed their true colours during the love festival and sitya danger concerts that took place on the same day. As UNMF was supporting Pallaso of love fest and yet Bobi wine stood for both because he didn’t want to show sides as a leader .

Bobi wine was banned  from performing but as the whole world knows that all other  musicians in Uganda can stage a music show and get monitory value , Bobi wine was totally banned from earning from his talent of music and he remained with one option of claiming that he won 2021 general election.

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