Uganda signed the inter-government authority on development [IGAD] protocol on free movement of persons in the IGAD region on 14th may.
This was officiated by the minister of internal and foreign affairs in Uganda Gen. Jeje Odongo , the deputy attorney general Jackson kafuzi and the state minister of gender in charge of children and youth affairs Balaam Barugahara at Serena hotel in Kampala.
The protocol is aimed at creating free labour mobility in the IGAD region which include countries like Djibouti, Ethiopia ,Kenya, Somalia , south Sudan, and Uganda.

The protocol was witnessed by Dr. Workneh Gebeyeh, the Executive Secretary of IGAD , Fathia Alwan , Director of the IGAD health and social development division, Mr Guillaume Chartrain , deputy head of the EU delegation of Uganda.
‘’The free movement of people within the region is a the heart of the establishment of IGAD ’’ said Gen. Jeje Odongo.

“It’s useless to exist as an organization if we aren’t free to move, trade,work with ease and exist in any corner of that organization.”
The protocol is to achieve a progressive realization of a free movement of persons in the IGAD region that is safe, orderly and beneficial to facilitate a higher volume of region trade, improved access to basic social services, labour mobility access by government to un reached marginal communities as well as improved government of rural areas ‘’, said Dr. Workneh.
“The free movement of people can act as a powerful engine for development , enhancing trade , supporting labor mobility and enriching cultural,” said Mr Guillaume Ghartrain the Deptuy head of the European Union.
He applauded Uganda for joining other regional regime in the IGAD region which will enhance the free movement of persons in the region.