National NewsParliamentary Report

Will The Censure Motion Against The Parliamentary Commissioners Succeed?

Last week, a section of Members of Parliament led by the Lwemiyaga County MP Theodore Ssekikubo and Hon. Sarah Opendi, the Woman MP for Tororo and other four legislators.

The MP’s are now collecting signatures from fellow legislatures which will enable them to move the censure motion that will see the four Commissioners out of their position.

Ssekikubo’s group needs 177 signatures and they have been encouraging their fellow leaders to sign though some of them have beeen seen shying away from the process.

The four MPs are Mathias Mpuuga, the Nyendo Mukungwe MP, Solomon Silwany, the Bukooli Central MP, Woman MP Esther Afoyochan of Zombo district and and Prossy Akampulira Mbabazi, the Rubanda Woman MP.

Different legislators have pended in their signatures including the Leader of Opposition and the State Minister for Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Persis Namuganza.

“Parliament is the bastion of transparency and accountability. Where are those MPs who came to Parliament chest-thumping that they were going to stand for accountability and transparency?” said Ssekikubo.

They have encouraged the commissioners to resign or step down from their positions to save them from the embarrassment that will come with their impeachment process.


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