Truth is heavier and bitter but it should be told candidly.The ascension of President Museveni into power is a fair tale chronoligical, since his University days, Western democracy was not his taste and preference, he embraced Marxist Leninst ideology and use of the mass population to bring about change using violent means incase peaceful methods cant be used, and this was witnessed in the late 1980s to 1986 when he applied to get power into his hands.

He cherished Frantz Fanon’s book The Wretched of the Earth which called for use of violence, wrote his undergraduate thesis on the same issue. Against such a background, he supported Leftist Liberation movements in Mozambique in dislodging Portuguese rule.

Then he participated in the 1979 Uganda Liberation War with the help of JK Nyerere, a person he calls his idol and Political mentor.. After trying out participation in the 1980 general elections where he obtained dismal results, he decided to follow his Political Science Book he had mastered while at the University of Dares Salaam, waged a guerrilla war against the reglme of Obote who had come into power by stifling and rigging votes.
In 1986, he had achieved his dream as the head of state by using the BULLET not the BALLOT BOX.. Multi partyism was imposed on him by the Capitalist of the Western World, something he did with hesitation after sensing that the World was no longer BI-Polar.

It was a sour pill for him to swalow, changed skin but not the ideology. In fact, he just re-invented and rebranded himself till now. And at one time stated it clearly that i captured power by the use of a gun so a bullot paper can’t take me out of office, this was a clear statement to his opponents that going for general Election is a wastage of tax payers money. So do Ugandans think that changing such a man from power shall arise from the Ballot papers something he despises with impunity?

Can he hand over power to Bobi Wine who has no organic connection to the NRA/M struggle yet he didn’t do that Dr Besigye whose politically journey is intertwined to his? Old habits dont die, thence the M7 of the 70s has been reincarnated into the Capitalist one of now.

Infact his marxist Leninst shadow controls the physical M7 stand to know this. He is a strategist with a clear foresight to detect the coming, and by such the Ballot box is a legtimising instrument for him to be in, power for heavens sake and be part of the free and civilosed world led by the collective west.

Calling Bobi Wine President is more of a flirtery and comic, whose President by the way? The losing block of voters? A President needs to reign over his subjects than running issues on the Social Media..

Ugandans have reached a level where anything unsual and immoral is changed into standard.Its like calling the sky GREEN, the Opposition voters shall answer in affirmative. From stupid and obscene lyrics in songs outed by.

Todays musicians to Obsessive and insane slogans that PRINCIPAL is always right. Thats how far this nation has reached, unprecedented levels where something stupid is good and acceptable. The Bullet is stronger than the Ballot