Pr. Dr. Apostle Joseph Serwada tasks government of Uganda and parliament generally to pass the marriage and divorce law.
Serwada says that as the head of Pentecostal and born again religion as well as a leader of victory church in ndeeba kampala Uganda he deserves to demand constitutional mandate for christians leaders to handle marriage court cases as Moslem constitutionally handle their marriage cases under the laws of Uganda.
”The inter religious council of Uganda officials also expressed concerns that the way moslems mandated to handle their marriage and family matters constitutionally thus should be the same to Christianity” Pastor Joseph Serwada.
TV10 ganomazima News desk received the information that Serwada’s intentions are to reduce domestic violence and to help Uganda’s courts of laws in handling family or domestic violence cases
“As parliament mandated Moslem religious leaders to handle marriage or family matters, all religions should be mandated under the Laws of Uganda” Pr. Serwada said.
He adds that the marriage and divorce bill passed in parliament but not yet became a Law.
The government is still reviewing the bill as drafted to protect marriage and family affairs.
However Pastor Joseph argued the concerned people to quickly pass the Law.