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LOVE : Where Can I Find The Right One.

When it comes to finding true love, many relationship experts have shared several ideas on when, how and where to find true love, some have been fortunate enough to find their soulmates after following these experts advise , some have not. But today, we are going to talk about this thing of finding true love (The right partner ) in a very realistic way.

Are you ready. I am very sure that you’ve all heard of this saying that good things come to those who are ready, so it is with love. As you set out to find the right partner, make sure that you are also mentally and emotionally ready to be in love with a new person. When the right partner come’s to you and you are not ready, that person will eventually move on with the next person who is ready and they will leave you behind crying that they stole your man or woman.

Since you now know whether you are ready or not, now let’s dwell more on where you can find the right partner.


There is no specific designated place where someone can go and find the right partner, but through personal efforts, a right partner will always find you or you to find them. These are some of the few things you need to consider if you are to attract the right partner.

Self care. looking after yourself even on things that might look miner to you is self care. Brush your teeth twice a day, work on your nails, hair, body odour and make sure your clothes are always ironed and clean regardless of their price. Everyone wants to associate with someone who try’s their best to look good and stay healthy. So work out, eat healthy and stay in shape or fit.

Some people will get attracted to you because of your nice smile, the perfume you wear, your neatness in terms of dress cord and looks. So don’t ever under look those seemingly small things because they usually attract people’s attention.

Socialise. If you are a working person, you know very well that after work, all you want is to go back home have dinner, do your lazy hobbies “Watching a movie, reading a book or scrolling through your phone” and sleep. This daily cycle doesn’t give one a chance to meet new people where he or she can find some potential love partners.

Join those clubs in your working circles, engage in different activities at your place of worship, hang out with friends at least two times a month and sometimes, you can go out alone in a good place and seat their for some hours, think about yourself as you sip on your coffee, juice , soda, a cold beer or eat any of your favourite dishes.

Openly share your relationship status. Of late, it is fashion for someone to wear a ring and many single people have taken up this trend. To some traditional people, a ring is a sign of commitment, so it will hinder most of them to approach you, thinking you are already off the shelf.

Don’t be afraid to say that you are single when you are among your peers because it doesn’t take away your power of declining someone’s interests of pursuing you incase you are not interested in them.


Search for love. Many people discourage this idea of putting yourself out-their that you are looking for love and they have their specific reasons, but the reality is, it works. Most people you find on these different dating platforms are always serious people, looking for ready partners to settle with.

So don’t be afraid to signup on those genuine dating sites, join those WhatsApp or Telegram groups for single people and also tell some of your trusted friends and close family members that you are in search for a love partner. You will be amazed at the results. Though it is very safe to always have your meet ups in an open place or a venue you are very comfortable with, if you are using this online dating , until you get enough credible information on that person.

Finally, a right person can be found anywhere. From bars, markets, places of worship, workplaces, neighbourhood, parties and even funerals. All you have to do is to work on your self and be emotionally ready when that person comes your way.

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