The Electoral commission committee chaired by Justice Byabakama Simon is hiding from media over 79 billion shillings embezzlement which was a surplus from the 2021 elections.It is said that this money was reported to have been used to sensitize the voters of which is not true.
It is said that the members on the committee distributed this money among-est themselves for their personal needs including the 123 members who were chosen to help the electoral commission.
This is according to the IGG’s report that is still hidden and of which is not to be released soon after which it is said she received 240m being paid by the committee not release it .
But however , the truth was discovered and most of the committee members left the offices and went for leave of which they are playing it hard for the journalists to have their side of story. Some of the committee members whom we tried to contact through phone calls, instead of giving us their part of the allegations they just threatening the Tv10 team with words like “LUBOWA !!!!!!!!!!LUBOWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!……….ORINYE EYAMAJJE” as said by Joseph Lwanga the Director finance. He added and said do you know how much i have invested in my education, do you know how much i have worked from that name, i will make sure i use my last drop of blood to clear my name.
Joseph Lwanga has spent 27 years serving the Government Of Uganda but for the years spent in the electoral commission, he has two companies of which are said to be supplying the electoral commission with some equipment. In the 2021 elections his two companies supplied 384 car-teens and he was paid 1.7 billion to supply furniture to the commission,which has made very many citizens pose questions that are still unanswered.

The committee members are Simon Byabakama, Joseph Lwanga, Aisha Nalubega, Murekwa Leornad, Sarah Kobugabe and Liz Kobukaire.
Some of these members were seen in a few days swearing in to again serve the commission but if this issue is not handled before the 2026 elections things may go worse.
Such things are costing the country a lot since the tax payers money is being enjoyed by a few selfish people.

It is said that these member went a head and distributed the laptops among themselves, where each one of them took five laptops for their personal work on the 1000 laptops that were provided for election.
On the other hand Hajjat Nalubega rendered the electoral commission car to his son which ended up damaged in an accident which coasted KCCA 35million for repair. Her so works with KCCA.
Misappropriation of fund cases are still very rampant in government institutions and they will take long to be fought and stopped in Uganda because after the handing over of a certain a mount of money to different departments, the responsible teams don’t always follow up what the money has done of which is costing the country very much.