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ELECTORAL COMMISSION: The Money Embezzlement Channels.

The citizen’s money has been not doing what exactly it is supposed to do just because some people have been secretly embezzling lots of the tax payers money for their selfish reasons.

This is done by the most of the top officials in different recognized offices and of which has been delaying and making service delivery in the country to lag behind.

The money that should be presented and budgeted for to help Ugandans by purchasing drugs, constructing good roads and providing what ever that is needed for the safety of the citizens, selfish people are still using it as a way of ticking people into losing their jobs.

TV 10 Gano Maziima has come to notice that the Electoral Commission has become a channel through which the mafias use to transfer government money to other accounts.

According to tour reliable sources, some of the members of the Electoral Commission that are involved in this act of embezzlement include James Niwamanya and Joseph Lwanga the director of finance.

Though Mr Lwanga’s contract is soon getting expired, he is trying by all means to be added just a single year for him to first spoil some other people’s names and have them chased a way from their official jobs.

Regardless of the other 79billion that was shared among themselves during the 2021 elections claiming to have used it for sensitization, the Electoral Commission has been found out to be involved in the embezzlement of money from other accounts because ni one can suspect the Electral commission account.

In a few weeks to come the Electoral Commission account will receive at least 10 billion shillings from either the ministry of energy or trade of which will be shared among the mafias and some members of the Electoral Commission.

According to our sources,these two EC members in the deal will have to make the chairperson of EC Simon Byabakama have a share so that they can make him get involved in the deal of which will end up making Byabakama to be a suspect for embezzling the government money and he may end up being suspended, which has been a prayer for so many people inside the Commission.

This is all because the IGG failed to bring up the report that was supposed to suspend the two gentlemen for the illegal things they have been doing such as asking for sex from the clients, which was done by James Niwamanya.

Due to the IGGs failure to bring out the report ,this has brought the one who should be answerable for the embezzlement of 79billion and made him the eye witness in a case where he is the one to be giving us answers for all the answered questions. This means the government is still losing more money to such selfish public servants.


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