Uganda’s technology is still very low compared to other countries and this has caused very many problems especially on the roads where most of the people have lost their lives and some lost their property.
Uganda is a country where the traffic officers still stand alongside the roads blowing their whistles as a way of directing the drivers and passengers where to go of which should be done by traffic lights.
Its unfortunate that this also happens in the capital city where there are very many leaders and they are being paid lots of money but they still do nothing towards the development of the capital city.
Due to the fact that the traffic police still has the authorities to stand alongside roads for the security of drivers and the passengers lives, these people are making themselves rich by getting bribes from drivers.
The accepting of bribes from the untrained drivers and the drivers with damaged cars are putting the lives of the citizens in danger.
The police reports after an accident are always about over speeding and careless driving and the greediness of the traffic police officers is not mentioned anywhere and yet they are the main cause of these accidents indirectly.

According to my opinion these traffic officers should be stopped from standing along side the roads because they are there to make themselves rich than making sure that the security of the passengers on the road is tight.
This is the main thing that is increasing accidents because the people responsible to be controlling and reducing the accident levels are the ones increasing the accident rates because of their greedy attitudes.
There are very many cars without lights and most of the cars are travelling when they actually have a mechanical problem but they are safely moving and carrying passengers with no worries because they know that traffic officers are always like flowers at the road and they have no say as long as they are given something in form of money.
Some other cars don’t follow the traffic guidelines like the road signs and the regulations because they have support from these traffic men.
Uganda registered a total of 414 accidents that occurred during the period of 28th Feb and 06th march 2022 and out of these, 75 accidents were fatal, 226 were serious and 113 were minor according to the Uganda police.