The None Aligned Movement (NAM) starts today at Speke Resort Munyonyo and it will run up to 20th this month. From Entebbe Airport to Speke resort, security has been tightened up, in that some boda-boda stages have been premaritally removed from that route. Journalists have also been denied access to the Air Port which is very unusual since such Arrivals of Presidents, Dignitaries and other delegates deserve a very high coverage.

NAM is composed of 120 States,18 observer countries and 10 observer organisation. It was founded in 1961under the leadership of Josip Broz, Gamel Abdel Nasser, Jawaharl, Nkuruma and Sukarno. These were Presidents of Yugoslavia , Egypt, India, Ghana and Indonesia respectively.
Some of the main objectives of this conference was to promote sustainable development through international cooperation and maintaining peace. Experts have predicted that these conferences we have been hosting since January will improve Uganda’s Political image, economy and our diplomacy outlook.