On 2rd February 2024 Uganda will join the rest of the world to celebrate the world wetlands day which started way back on 2RD FEB 1971.This years’ theme is Wetland and Human well being.
Wetlands are the areas where water covers the soil. It is either present or near the surface. Wetlands contribute much to the economy of the country since they provide food and habitat for fish and wild life which attract tourists, shoreline erosion control, education & research and they also control floods.

Despite the numerous benefits, wet lands are damaged everyday by the human beings.They are being destroyed by
unsustainable agricultural which is a primary cause of wetland loss through drainage and infilling, stream channelisation, dam construction, discharge of industrial waste and municipal sewage.
It is estimated that 35%of worlds wetlands have been lost since 1970 .Around 87% of global wetland loss occurred in the 20th century and the rate of the loss continues.

Uganda had approximately 30000square kilometre of wetlands by 2000 but this area has reduced to around 22500square Kilometre implying a loss of 25% in the past two decades.