I’m at great pains sharing with you images of my emaciated self with an unkempt white-ish stubble all over my face, and more particularly that gut-crunching (but fast healing) surgical incision around my neck through which the incredily meticoulous neurosurgeons skillfully- with cutting edge technology- navigated around my throat to be able to access the spine and replace the hitherto niggling herniated disc with an artificial one. However, I found it quite inevitable given the fact that an open -chest-appearance is going to be my new normal for some good time without the-almost-throttling neckties and suits accustomed to. I particularly feel blessed that this morning I woke up in a rather high and febrile state having had a delta or low-wave sleep without any sedative inducement or constant check on my health vitals. Indeed, Thy Name should always be glorified!.
I owe a great debt of gratitude to a team of Neurosurgeons and health experts at Fortis Memorial Gurugram, India through whom the Lord blessed me with a new lease of life. I wish to convey similar thanks to an amazing number of neurosurgeons, orthopedists, physiotherapists, chiropractors and other health experts in Uganda who professionally and diligently handled my life before travel to India. InevitabIy, I have had numerous health facilities in the chain of my medical journey to wit; Rubaga Hospital, Nakasero Hospital, Kampala Hospital, Mulago Hospital, Ultima Orthopedics Center, Tendo Clinic, Dr Kisekka’s Physio-tech Rehabilitation Center in Mpererewe and of course not forgetting Nairobi Hospital, Kenya and others. Truly, this is the kind of health challenge our ancestors aptly referred to as “Lubuna-malwaliro!”.
I am also profoundly touched by the outpouring love and support extended to me by my family members, caregivers in India and Uganda, fellow political leaders and technical staff at KCCA, The Uganda Medical Board team, UAP insurance, the bonafide FDC fraternity and other comrades in the struggle in different political formations, the team at Lukwago and Company Advocates, different media houses and corporate entities, Kampalans and Ugandans from different parts of the country, friends of all walks of life and sympathizers from near and far, known and unknown etc.

It is trite that every experience in life (good or bad) is an opportunity for one to pick lessons. I would like to state without any hesitation that at the end of this ordeal, I will be an uncertified paramedic and counselor in neurology and orthopedics. I hope in the coming days, the lead and adept neurosurgeon at Fortis Memorial, Dr. Sandeep Vaishya will issue me with a certificate of fitness to fly and be able to return to our beloved city, Kampala as a passenger and not cargo by the 11th day of May 2024.
God bless you all