National NewsRegional and World News

Uganda Joins The Rest Of The World in Comemoratiing The World Culture day.

Uganda has today the 21st of May joined the rest of the world in celebrating the World Culture day at the National Theater in Kampala.

Under the theme ” “Digital Transformation of the Culture and Creative Industries: Packaging Art and Culture as a National Public Good,” creatives allover the country have been encouraged to utilize the digital platforms with the application of legal streams for the protection of their content.

In her remarks, the State Minister for Gender and Culture, Hon. Peace Mutuuzo said ” There is a need for substantial regulation of the digital sector, notably of the major platforms, for the benefit of online cultural diversity, artists’ intellectual property rights, and fair access to content for all.”

“The cultural and creative sector is one of the most powerful engines of development worldwide. It accounts for more than 48 million jobs globally –almost half of which are held by women – representing 6.2% of all existing employment and 3.1% of global GDP. It is also the sector that employs and provides opportunities for the largest number of young people under the age of 30,” UNESCO.

Happy World Cultural Day.

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