As the world is all a ware about the scandal of the 1.7 billion in Parliament that is said to have been utilized and distributed a among the four commissioners including the former LOP Mathius Mpuuga who is alleged to have gotten a share of 500m, the NUP party came out criticizing what Mpuuga had done and that it had tarnished the name of the party.
Hon. Mpuuga was asked to resign from his position as the Parliamentary Commissioner, which he said he wouldn’t do because he claims the money that is supposed to be given to him is legal.
After the party’s National; Executive Committee meeting on 5th – February,the acting President wrote to Mpuuga asking him why he should not be recalled from his position as the Parliament Commissioner. He was given seven days to respond.
In a letter still, NUP’s vice president Dr Lina Zedriga Waru said “Mpuuga admitted in the meeting both with the president at the party offices on 28th Feb 2024 that he indeed took part in the action of misusing public funds (corruption) of which the party considers as illegal, immoral and a clear departure from the values and the objectives of the party of which goes against section9(1)of the leadership code act(2002)which bars leaders from taking part in deliberation for their personal interests.”
In a sitting held on 4th march 2024,the executive committee considered the serious accusation against Mpuuga and asked him to show in writing why he shouldn’t be recalled from the parliamentary commissioner to which the party seconded him as a member.This is to enable the executive committee take an appropriate decision.
If Kyagulanyi behaves as a mature person, and eliminates relatives from politics, he will have done a very good decision because the only problem in NUP today is the untamed authority in the hands of his elder brother Nyanzi.
Since Bobi wine has been looking for a way to expose Mpuuga and his group, he finally got an opportunity on the 1.7billion scandal.
TV 10 Gano mazima once published a story a bout the greedy for money among the members of NUP, but it seems their greediness has come to light.
This is weakening and reducing Kyagulanyi’s chances of becoming a president in the 2026 elections.This is because his trying to eliminate his biggest competitors.