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RAGGA DEE Emphasised the Hidden Enemy of Uganda’s Development.

Ragga Dee emphasises the influence of corruption, bad governance, and systemic weaknesses as the secret enemy of Uganda’s growth. His point of view is to generate dialogue and promote the development of solutions for Uganda’s future that is more progressive and sustainable.

Firstly, Bribery is a big problem in Uganda which failed to be worked on, and it’s slowing down the country’s progress. Even though there have been efforts to fight corruption but bribery is still common in both government and other sectors. This has led serious effects on everyone in the country.

In the interview we had with him, He said

“Uganda needs foreign investment to grow, but bribery scares investors away. They don’t want to do business in a place where they have to pay bribes to get things done. This means fewer jobs and less money coming into the country, which slows down economic growth even more”.

Bribery harms Uganda’s economy by wasting money that should be used for important projects. Instead of building roads, schools, and hospitals, money goes into the pockets of corrupt officials.

This means that projects cost more, the work is often poor, and some projects never get finished. Because of this, Uganda’s economy doesn’t grow as much as it could, and the country misses out on chances to develop.

When bribery is widespread, people lose trust in their leaders and the government. They see that those who pay bribes get better services and avoid punishment, while others suffer.

This weakens the rule of law and creates an unfair system where money and connections matter more than doing what’s right.

Bribery makes the gap between the rich and poor even bigger. Wealthy people can use their money to get what they want, while the poor have to deal with bad services and unfair treatment. This makes it harder for poor communities to improve their lives.

Bribery is like a chain holding Uganda back. To move forward, everyone needs to work together to fight corruption. If Uganda can break free from this chain, it will be able to grow faster and provide a better future for all its people.

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