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Marian Robinson Dies at 86 YEARS.

The mother in law of the former President of the United States of America Baracka Obama has has died at the of 86 years,

Michelle Obama’s mother spent most of her last years taking care of his his daughter , son in law and her grand children mostly in the times when Baraka was the President of USA.

In his statement, Baracka Obama said ” On Election Night in 2008, when the news broke that Barack would soon shoulder the weight of the world, she was there, holding his hand.”

The former First Lady through her twitter account said “My mom Marian Robinson was my rock, always there for whatever I needed. She was the same steady backstop for our entire family, and we are heartbroken to share she passed away today. We wanted to offer some reflections on her remarkable life:”

Rest In Peace Mrs. Robinson.

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