Today In History

TODAY IN HISTORY: Uganda’s Republican Constitution Was Promulgated.

On this day in 1967, Uganda’s third constitution also know as the “Republican Constitution” was promulgated. It was called the “Republican Constitution” because it abolished traditional rulers and monarchies in Uganda that had existed for centuries.

The “Republican Constitution” made then President Milton Obote more popular, especially among the commoners who were not as privileged as those from the royal families. This was more visible in territories such as Ankole, Buganda, Busoga, Bunyoro, and Tooro where kingdoms had existed and the kingdom administration allegedly exploited the common people.

“This country came face to face with the truth on September 8, 1967 that our destiny was in building for our future generation and an intergrated and everlasting home. It is spirit of equality and unity that we must now take into the fourth year of our republicanism” Obote said on September 8, 1970 about the Republican Constitution .

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