Deep State Politics

Rwanda’s First Elected President For Over A Decade And His Mysterious Death

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Grégoire Kayibanda was a pivotal figure in Rwanda’s history, serving as the country’s first elected president from 1962 to 1973. Born on May 1, 1924, in Tare, Rwanda, Kayibanda was a key leader in the Rwandan Revolution, fighting for independence from Belgium and replacing the Tutsi monarchy with a republican government.

As president, Kayibanda established a pro-Hutu policy and a de facto one-party system governed by his party, Parmehutu. He played a crucial role in shaping Rwanda’s early years of independence, including leading the country’s first delegation to the United Nations General Assembly in 1962.

Kayibanda’s presidency was marked by significant events, including the adoption of a new constitution in 1962, which prohibited communist activities and propaganda. He also pursued a pro-Western, anticommunist foreign policy, maintaining cordial relations with the Republic of China while criticizing the People’s Republic of China’s policies in Africa.

Becoming the country’s first president in 1961, was after declaring Rwanda a republic and abolishing the Tutsi monarchy. His party, Parmehutu, dominated the political landscape, winning every seat in the National Assembly in 1965 and 1969.

However, Kayibanda’s regime was also marked by ethnic tensions and violence. The 1963 massacres of Tutsis living in Rwanda were a dark stain on his presidency. Despite his efforts to consolidate peace and build national unity, Kayibanda’s rule was ultimately cut short by a military coup led by Juvénal Habyarimana on July 5, 1973. Kayibanda and his wife were reportedly held in a secret location and starved to death.

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