- High Profile Corruption Scandals to look back at Under NRM Regime
By Mukwaba Katende
As the country grapples with increasing cases of corruption, where billions of money have been lost, the recent scandal in the Bank of Uganda have put President Museveni and the NRM government in the spotlight.
The nine Government officials from the ministry of finance arrested and remanded to Luzira prison are still innocent until proven guilty. However, it does not erase the fact that 60 billions of public fund have been stolen from Bank of Uganda.

President Museveni has always been heard advocating for zero- tolerance to corruption. In 2018, the president established the State House Anti-corruption Unit to investigate corruption related cases within the Government and private sector.
In 2021, he launched the lifestyle audit campaign as an anti-corruption measure. However, has faced challenges due to lack of a legal framework. We have looked back at some of the scandals that have tossed the country in the recent past.

MPs 2024 budget corruption, Last year Mps Cissy Namujju (Lwengo women), Paul Akamba (Busiki East) and Yusuf Mutembuli were charged with budget corruption at the anti-corruption court.

Its alleged that Namujju, Akamba and Mutembli while at Hotel Africana solicited undue advantage of 20% of the anticipated budget of the Commission for the financial year 2024/2025 from Mariam Wangadya the chairperson of the Uganda Human Rights Commission.

They asserted that they were able to exert improper influence over the decision making of the budget committee of parliament to increase the UHRC budget. After spending 55 days on remand at Luzira prison the three legislators were granted bail.

UNRA 11.8 billion scandal, Two former employees of UNRA , Gilbert Kibuuka and John Mbidde together with two employees of Lunas Enterprises Ltd, Alex Lutaaya Mukomazi the company director and Richard Senkungu the general manager are battling charges in the anti- corruption court for causing financial loss of 11 billion.

Its alleged that between October 2019 and June 2020, Lutaaya Mukomazi, Ssenkungu, Mbidde and Kibuuka conspired to defraud UNRA.
Lutaaya Mukomazi was charged of conspiracy to defraud, under section 390 of the penal code act. The offence attracts 7years imprisonment upon conviction.
Karamoja iron sheet scandal 2023, Police investigated over 22 ministers and 31 Mps believed to have recieved the iron sheets meant for vulnerable people in Karamoja sub region.

Two former minister for Karamoja affairs Marry Goreti Kitutu, Agnes Nandutu minister of state and Amos Lugolobi state minister for finance were arrested and charged for stealing iron sheets. Later, the anti-corruption court granted them bail.
Parliament passed a supplementary budget worth 39 billion to suport various programmes in Karamoja including the purchase of 100000 iron sheets which are alleged to have been stolen by the ministers.

Chogm 2007,This came to public attention in 2011, when several ministers including former Vice President Gilbert Bukenya, former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi and former state minister for works and transport John Byabagambi, were implicated in the misuse of public funds meant for the 2007 CHOGM summit.

Other former ministers including John Nasasira, Mwesigwa Rukutana and Isaac Musumba were also implicated.

Parliament allocated 270 billions to the summit, but later, the Auditor General discovered that more than 370 billions was spent. The figures went up to 500 billions when parliamentary accounts committee (PAC) those who spent the funds.
Those interrogated claimed that they had acted on orders from former Vice President Gilbert Bukenya. Eventually, Prof Gilbert was arrested and charged of abuse of office and fraud in connection with CHOGM, but later court acquitted him.

Global Fund 2008, The money were meant for procuring malaria, HIV/ Aids and tuberculosis drugs. At the centre of the scandal were former health ministers Jim Muhwezi, and his deputies Mike Mukula and Alex Kamugisha. 124.8 billions was said to have been stolen.

Several other individuals, including Fred Kavuma the former manager of production at UBC and Teddy Cheeye of the presidents office.Cheeye was also a founder and publisher of the anti corruption magazine The Uganda confidential.

It was discovered that Cheeye’s Company, UCA made a contract with the ministry of health in 2005, when the company was actually not in existence. Cheye and Kavuma were convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison .
NSSF – Temangalo Land 2008, The saga came to light in July 2008, when reports emerged that prime minister Amama Mbabazi, then security minister and Amos Nzeyi had been paid 11 billions by the fund for 414 acres of land with each acre going for 24m.

It was reported that the price was higher than that on the market, resulting into the fund losing billions of shillings. Knight frank put the price of an in the area at 18m, East African Consulting surveyors at 16m and associated consulting surveyors at 14m.

NSSF decided to go for what they called an open market price of of 24m. The parliamentary probe found that Mbababzi used his clout as security minister to force NSSF to purchase his land. In its majority report, the parliamentary committee investigated the matter concluded that indeed Mabaazi and Ezra Suruma had violated the leadership code.
Specioza Kazibwe microfinance scandal 2011, In a span of just three months, 60 billion went missing from the Microfinance Support Centre.

The scandal led to the suspension of several high-profile figures, including former vice president Specioza Wandira Kazibwe, who was then the chairperson of the board of directors. Other suspended board members included Charles Ogol, MP Tim Lwanga, and Twino Musinguzi.
Basajjabalaba compensation 2011, 169 billion were erroneously issued to city tycoon Hassan Basajjjabalaba as compensation for the loss of business in city markets.

The money is said to have been stolen through Cairo International Bank in connivance with top employees from ministry of public service and finance.

Syda Bumba, former minister for finance and former attorney General Khiddu Makubuya (late) were sacked. However Government exonerated Bank of Uganda Governor Emannuel Tumusime Mutebile.