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Where Is The Special Audit Report For UGX 39Bn For Vulnerable Communities In Karamoja?

The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament is still seeking for the special audit report on the UGX 39Bnm that was meant to buy iron sheets and goats for the vulnerable communities in Karamojja.

The Auditor General’s preliminary report showed that UGX 1.78Bn was spent on travel in land, fuel, oil and lubricants costed UGX 700m and the Office of The Prime Minister spent UGX 300M on vehicle maintenance.

The same office (OPM) also spent another UGX 500M on the maintenance of Moroto Regional Offices. another UGX 2.2Bn was allocated to the same office for monitoring and other in land travels and UGX 8.8Bn was spent on the procurement of iron sheets. This is just a partial breakdown of the UGX 39Bn.

Officials from the Auditor General’s office revealed to the committee that the report was still with Mr. John Mwanga (Auditor General) which made the MP’s accuse the Auditor General of conniving with top officials in government to steal what is meant for the vulnerable Ugandans.

The Chairman of the Committee Hon. Muwanga Kivumbi said “You know we are almost completing another year without you giving the country the report, tell my namesake that this is extremely unfair to the country. Tell the Auditor General that he is also becoming part of the corruption in this country because that breeds impunity.”

On the procurement of goats, the preliminary report showed that 73,900 goats were procured but only 73,708 goats were given to the beneficiaries in Karamojja, meaning that 192 goats are unaccounted for.

Remember that each beneficiary was supposed to get 16 goats, but the report further revealed that none of them got the the said budgeted number.

Court cases on this scandal are still ongoing and even last year, the State Minister for finance and planning Hon. Amos Lugolobi, Karomoja affairs State Minister Hon. Agnes Nandutu and the Karamoja affairs Mary Goretti Kitutu were arrested on the same matter but upto now, there isn’t any viable accountability for the funds.


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