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ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS :  What You Need To Know Before You Get Into One (Part 2)

Last time, we ended our discussion emphasising the need to communicate and listening to your partner without being judgemental. Today, let’s proceed with the other things you need to know before you engage in any romantic relationship.


Expect the bad days. As an adult, you know how life twists on everyone irrespective of their status. Some days your partner can come back home after a bad day, with no feelings of making love to you or even cuddling. This doesn’t mean that he/she is not interested in your company or being with you, it’s just a bad day.

As a partner, you have all the psychological power to change your partners moods, if you really love him or her. Learn to tell your partner that i am here for you in whatever you are going through, without saying it with your lips. All the romantic relationship that have lasted a lifetime, they were full of actions. Someone can forget your words, but not how you held them, how you touched them when they needed you the most.

Be ready to give it your all. One of the common relationship breaker is getting into one with a sceptical stand. This will drain you so much to an extent of cheating on your partner and after cheating, disrespect will automatically roll into your romantic relationship and you all know the results. It is either verbal violence or physical. So if you are not ready to give it your best, don’t get into one.


Honesty. When you start your romantic relationship on falsehoods, be sure that one day the truth will come out, with no damage control intervention to clean you up. This is what i usually tell people who confess to me that they lied about something while starting their relationship. I tell them ” Be brave enough and seat down with your partner on a good day and apologise for the things you lied about. Tell your partner that you weren’t sure of their intentions at the genesis of your relationship. Do it as soon as possible.” That will save you a lot of drama in the near by future

Priorities the happiness of both of you. Happiness always makes the house more fun and whenever you are away, you will always be very eager to go back home. Men and women spend a lot of time in bars not because they are socialising or having a great time, it is simply because their homes lack happiness. Try and ask happy people who drink from home, that’s the best Alcohol you will ever drink because you get a chance to be yourself and in your own safe space. There is no room for selfishness in a romantic relationship.

Be ready to be empathetic. You can never understand someone’s pain until you visualise yourself going through that same predicament. Empathy humbles us even in situations where the world expects us to react in the rudest way. Empathy is free medicine to people in love. Empathy heals. So if you are not ready to be empathetic to your partner please don’t indulge your self in any romantic relationship, you will either hurt someone, or get hurt.

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