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OPINION: Music Vs Politics.

Music is a combination of vocal or instrumental sounds to produce beauty, harmony and to express emotions.

Politics are the activities associated with the governance of the country or an area, especially the debate between parties having power.

As we can see that music and politics are different in definition and their meaning is different, but these things go hand in hand.

Here are the ways how the music industry and politics are related in one way or the other;

Since music can bring people together it means politicians can use these musicians to achieve their political objectives.

some musician can act as a go between the citizens and the politicians by coming out with the citizen’s ideas a bout poor governance and poor service delivery and recite them as songs of which will act as a way of communication to the people responsible.

Music has promoted many politicians through reciting songs that are very beautiful to be listened to by the citizens which in the end influences them to participate and even vote during elections.

Though some politicians have used these musicians and failed to pay them, even when they win. This has demoralized many artists from creating songs that would bring out the right message for the campaigns.

According to Edirisa Musuza (Eddy Kenzo), Music has helped so many politicians but most of them are disappointed after a certain period of time.

According to Eddy Kenzo, he is not happy with the way how the current government handles its things but he has to stay strong.

“No one should get out of shape because of the disappointments,” He said.

Music and politics work hand in hand and this dates way back when even some of you were not yet born. So it will be too difficult to separate the two because its like a pair of shoes.


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