Those of you who have stayed in Kampala for quite sometime, you will agree with me if I say that of late, our capital is a total mess. From government hospitals, roads, government aided schools and all other service delivery points.
A city with two (2) Minsters, over nine (9) Members of Parliament, one (1) City Mayor, five (5) Division Mayors and two hundred and eighty (280) Councillors, what are they not doing right?
On one of your not too busy days, take a walk in any government hospital in your area of residence, you will be astonished with what you will find in these health centres. No medicine, the health workers are not enough compared to the number of people they are serving, the wards have no beds in that patients sleep on dirty floors and most of them don’t even have standby generators.

When it comes to Kampala government aided schools,they are among the poor performers in PLE, UCE and UACE. The school structures are in a very bad state and the teachers are also not motivated at all.
Our roads are in a very bad state to the extent of refereeing to our capital as the pothole city. Garbage is poorly manged and water trenches are used by Kampala arcade owners for sewage disposal when ever it rains.

In developed and organised capital cities like Kigali and Nairobi, their governments take full responsibility when it comes to developing these cities. But in Uganda, most responsibilities are given to private brokers of government officials who are running companies of these officials. Those people have no interest in the development of our city because almost all of them are not born in Kampala.

Moving forward, we should all be contributors to the cleanness and development of our city. The panic that we witnessed in preparation of these recently concluded conferences, clearly showed us that KCCA is very poor at planning because by 2021 we were already aware that we will be hosting some of these conferences.
Let’s find a way of increasing the budget that we allocate to government aided schools, because when you talk to the administrators of these schools, they will tell you that they are poorly facilitated.
Ministry of Health, the hospitals have turned into death traps to our people,you go their with one health issue, and you come back with another because of the ill hygiene at these facilities. If you can’t fully facilitate these health centers, close some of them off and at least we remain with a few, but fully facilitated and stocked.
To the Political leaders especially those in opposition, you can only bring development in your areas when you work with government. Stop the unnecessary Politicking and do the major thing your people voted you for,which is developing their areas. Your are well versed with the problems of the areas you represent, and the government has the resources.