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Exclusive report : Uganda’s Escalating Poverty Crisis.

As we go a head and look at what is taking place in our country Uganda, very many things are changing from normal to worse and this is because of different reasons and changes.

When we take a look at people’s standards of living, most of the people no longer have what to eat and what to put on, not because they don’t have what to do but because of the increasing of taxes.

Regardless the regions that were said to be leading in the levels of poverty such as Karamoja region and Kagadi district this is now affecting all the country in this current generation.

This increase of the taxes results from the very huge amounts of debit Uganda has which is at 96.1 trillion Uganda shillings ($25.3 billion).

This amount has made most of the citizens suffer a lot as they no Longer afford to purchase some of their basic needs as most of them were hiked so that the national debit can be covered.

The other major cause is the increasing poverty levels in Uganda is our low rates of economic growth and the effects of civil disorder.

The growing population of Uganda may also contribute to our increasing poverty levels by 2030 as most of the people with resources are giving birth to very many children of who are not compatible to our current available resources.

It’s unfortunate that most of these people pay taxes but they are not favored in anyway because they are left out and remembered during electoral campaigns when they are given food and clothes by the politicians for their political gains.

Most of the citizens are facing the problem of land eviction since the well off and selfish citizens are arguing that they own the land and make the common man feel like a refuge in his or her country.

According to the World Development Indicators for the GDP National Statistical Office,the most recent poverty estimate from Uganda National House Hold survey 2019/2020(UNHS) is  equal to 20.3% based on the National poverty line.

Most of the suffering citizens are innocent citizens who could be by now big people but due to corruption in the country these people are left down to suffer.

If the law makers start formulating a framework for the economic growth, transformation, good governance and security actions which directly increase the ability of the poor to rise their incomes a which directly improve their quality of life, this will will reduce the countries poverty levels.

Due to our poor and corrupt leadership, programs that are reserved to help the poor citizens end up using the same property for their personal satisfaction. A good example is the Karamoja iron sheet sags where most of the MPs used the iron sheets to construct their animals houses and save them from harsh weather conditions than saving their fellow citizens from m harsh weather conditions.


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