When you you give our politics an analytical eye, you will realize that it is us citizens facilitating the overstay of President Museveni since we have normalized many abnormal acts.
TV 10 gano maziima has found out that all this results from the habit of inheritance that we have normalized as a country out of our excitement and this growing culture of wanting to please the dead, with out knowing it’s repercussions
Here are some of the examples of leaders whose positions were inherited;

The death of Olanya who was replaced by his son, The story of Ruchams who was chased from the parliament and replaced by his own daughter Mrs Susan Nampija, the minister of health who was replaced by his son and Salina Nabanda who died and represented by her sibling.These strong issues have never been raised anywhere and these contribute to the overstaying of the president.
The over staying of the president has it’s merits and demerits, but the main challenge that is still being faced by the citizens who try to bring good ideas or try to open the eyes of the citizens and create a very good path for citizens, those people end up poisoned and others die in very unclear circumstances.
This is what always happens when a leader is not willing to handover over power peacefully.
The only person that was opposing Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe 2008 was Morgan Tsvangira who died mysteriously , The death of Late Mosey Radio who is alleged to have had disagreements with some top government officials, the battle between the late Kirumira and the police he had served and the death of Aronda Nyakayirima.
Things always happen so fast and we end up loosing lives. For example what is killing Mr Muhammad Ssegrinya and what killed Sulaiman Kigundu who was once the Governor of the central bank.

This thing of losing such big people is lagging the country behind because these People’s existence may add a lot to the country.
Very many people are worried of talking about things that will help the country because they fear being eliminated, imprisoned, poisoned and tortured.
This started all the way back from Obote in 1966 after the misunderstandings among the regions and the theft of gold from Congo.
The increasing number of poison cases has made most of the Ugandans worried and think that this could be their last chance to live,
People are no longer eating on functions due to the scenario that happened in Jinja a few weeks back, where three people lost their lives and nine of them got admitted due to the poison they allegedly took at the burial.
The Increasing poison scares, murder cases , imprisonment, and the assassinations, are keeping citizens in fear, yet we even end up getting reports that are not credible
This is all happening because most leaders in power no longer serve citizens but they focus on serving their own interests.