Njeru Stock Farm is located in Njeru Town Council, Bukaaya, Kyagwe, Buikwe. It lies on Block 295, which includes more than four different plots, causing chaos now.
The PLOTS Background
Plot 2 was owned by the late Ham Mukasa, approximately 469.10 acres. Plot 3 belonged to the late Enock Sebowa and was 322.4 acres, while Plot 4 was owned by the late Gusite Seluwo and measured 318.8 acres.
In the beginning, Plot 2 was legally leased to whites by the late Ham Mukasa to ensure the land was put to use. This followed a letter he wrote to the Uganda Protectorate Government in 1948, leasing the land for 99 years.
Since land grabbing has been prevalent in the country for a long time, part of the land the late Ham Mukasa leased to the whites included areas from other plots—Plot 3, Plot 4, and Plot 5, which belonged to the late Nuwa Mazinga Basudde—land that wasn’t his.
All these lands were classified as milo land, but the late Enock Sebowa had his own final certificate, F.C 15733 MRV 171 FOLIO 25, which confirmed his ownership.

As a result, the owners of Plot 3 and Plot 4 wrote to the Ministry of Lands to confirm their ownership. The ministry eventually confirmed their claims, which the whites acknowledged. They retained only the land that the late Ham Mukasa legally owned under his name.
After the white lease expired, the local government, Njeru Town Council, took over the land and was authorized to rent it out and collect taxes from it. The land was later leased to the Uganda government to establish its stock farm.

The government operates many stock farms in various locations, including Njeru Stock Farm. However, since this land’s documentation has been handled and exchanged by multiple councils over time, it now shows that they are not entitled to the land and legally own nothing.
Who is responsible for this? Is it Njeru Stock Farm, the owners of the plots, Njeru Town Council, or the Ministry of Agriculture?

Should we point fingers at Gen. Kahinda Otafiire, who reportedly owns 100 acres next to this land? Why is he the focus of blame? When we examine Plot 2, many other people also bought parts of it and even established companies there—all sold by the same family of the late Ham Nsubuga.

The Njeru Stock Farm land conflicts persist as the case continues. Stay with us for updates on this developing investigative story.
We will hear from other parties involved, including Njeru Town Council, Njeru Stock Farm, the case lawyers, the IGG, and the Ministry of Agriculture.