Did you know that the mother of a king is also a king? As you are well aware that a goat gives birth to a goat, a king also gives birth to a king.?
Did you know that in terms of hierarchy, the mother of the king is more powerful than the king? This is simply because God blesses her womb to carry the king.
Did you know that she has her own palace in the Kingdom like the king?
Did you know that she has an army that protects her?
Did you Know that she has her own Prime Minister?
Did you know that the mother of the king can wage a war just to protect her son?
Did you know that the brothers to the king’s mother are the ones supposed to be in the most top positions in the kingdom? Positions like those concerning intelligence and those that handle the kings private information.

You should also know that it’s the king to visit her mother, not her mother visiting her.
Did you know that when the king goes to her mother’s or grand mothers place he seats down? He then becomes a son or grandson.
Did you know that the mother of the king is the highest court of appeal in Buganda and she is the only one who can cancel any decision made by the king?
There is no young king or a young Namasole irrespective of their age.
Did you know that the mother of the king can just seat next to you and she gets to know what you are thinking without you telling her?

All kings have faced challenges , but they are usually caused by the people the king entrusts with leadership. In Buganda, we used to talk from an informed point of view and forums like “Nkobazambogo” made us love our Kingdom more. Hearing a representative from this forum speak would make you love the Kingdom more.
Buganda is built on three Arms, the first arm is the king, the second arm has the entire royal family and the third arm has the mothers of the king (Ba Namasole). If any of those arms is not stable, the throne has to automatically shake.
Among the people the king appoints, there is the Katikiro (Prime Minster) of Buganda who is Charles Peter Mayiga. We thank the king for appointing him. Among the things he has achieved, he has made Buganda more popular, we have a TV for Buganda, Masengere has been built, The Kasubi Tombs have been built, he has encouraged people to go back into agriculture and his famous Tafaali that united all Baganda from all walks of life. There is even a forum called Buganda Law Society ,which will be helping Baganda with cases concerning land wrangles land wrangles in different areas.

On his weaknesses, the Katikkiro has mishandled the Namasole arm. He either doesn’t know its importance in the Kingdom, or he has just neglected it.
The mother of Daudi Chwa, is the most respected Namasole in Buganda and the richest. She was given a lot of land and some land is officially registered in Buganda Land Board, but she has never received any accountability on that land. That’s why i am saying that the Premier has failed on that. They even reached to an extent of saying that she should be scrapped off the list of the mothers of the king, yet it is the Namasole herself to appoint her successor. She even does it while she is still living. They eventually scrapped her off with an excuse that said she doesn’t listen to them (Buganda Officials).
The then head of BLB even wrote a letter to Uganda Police requesting them to give security to the new Namasole who had been installed by them, and take away the security from the one the late Namasole had chose to be her hire. The Namasole we are talking about is actually a Grand Mother to the current king.
Remember this arm is very crucial in the hierarchy of Buganda Kingdom. You can only choose her a hire,only if she dies without selecting one.
To Be Continued.