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Musculoskeletal are the injuries or disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage and spinal
disks.This condition affects very many individuals globally.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) meeting is on today and will start at 12:00 to 13:00 via virtual zoom. This
will be held in English language and most of the continents are to be involved. Among them there is ;Africa, America, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South East Asia and Western pacific.


According to the research,In four people, at least on when person has this musculoskeletal condition and it is common among persons 65 years. The 40% of the people with the same condition is from 40-64 years and more than 75%of the condition is reported by the persons under65 years.

People with the above problem should always drink milk, eat cheese, green leafy vegetables, soya beans and nuts.

We can prevent or stay a way from the condition by warming up and stretching before starting activities that are repetitive, static or prolonged and taking frequent breaks from any sustained posture every 20-30 minutes and stretch stiff muscles.


The Musculoskeletal condition reduces people’s ability to work and to be active in society, which force very many
people with the condition to stop working and thus poverty.

The objectives of this address is to give an overview of theMSK Global burden series publication, as part of launching the lancet Rheumatology theme issues in the musculose fetal.

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