Sunflower was first planted in North America over 4,500 years a go . It’s basically used as a raw material for cooking oil and bird foods. Sunflower seeds can be eaten roasted or raw. sunflower seed has two parts ;the outer part and the hard inside part where by the outer part or the shell shouldn’t be eaten.

Sunflower seeds contain Vitamin E, Flavonoids and other plant compounds that can reduce inflammation. Eating sun flower seeds five time per week results into lower levels of inflammation which also lowers risk factors of several chronic diseases.
Tea made from the sunflower leaves has a stringent, diuretic expectant properties and can bee used to treat fevers. A poultice made from pounded leaves is used on sores, snake bites, and spider bites.
A decoction made from sunflower seeds can be used to smooth aches. they support healthy skin, boosting immune functions and promoting heart health.

Antioxidants contained in the seeds are used to protect body cells against free radical damage. they protect sperm cell from oxidative damage. The selenium content in presence of zinc contributes to the testosterone production, crucial for male fertility.
On the other hand , excessive consumption of sunflower seeds can lead to vomiting, stomach ache constipation and breathing problem, swelling and itching a round the mouth to the people Allergic to them.