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UACE 2023: More Candidates Registered Compared To 2022.

UNEB Executive Director Dan Odongo said that a total of 110,553 candidates registered for the 2023 UACE examination from 2,102 centers compared to 97,890 candidates from 1,969 centers in 2022. This is an increase of 12,663 candidates (12.9%).

Of these, 47,226 (42.7%) were females and 63,339 (57.3%) were males. Candidates who appeared for the examination were 109,488, compared to 96,557 in 2022, an increase of 12,931 candidates (13.4%).

UNEB reports that 80,643 of the 2023 candidates meet the minimum requirement of 2 principle level passes for admission to University, up from a figure of 67,815 in 2022 examination.

Generally UNEB noted a 12,663(12.9) in the number of candidates registered for 2023 UACE as compared to 2022.
Releasing the UACE 2023 results today 7th March 2024, Prof. Celestino Obua the UNEB chairperson, said that the board notes that the entries for sciences at UACE continues to be lower than Humanities though the numbers are going up.

At this level,according to the sources  the number of female candidates has consistently been much lower than that of the males.

Although female candidates are fewer in number than the male candidates, they performed better than their male counter parts did.

The percentage passes at the upper levels (3 Principle Passes and 2 Principle Passes) are higher while the passes at the lower levels among female candidates are lower than those for the males.

This has been the observed trend in the last three years according to UNEB.

“The number of candidates registering and appearing for mathematics and the science are gradually increasing, with mathematics showing the greatest promise. However, overall, the number have remained well below half of the total candidature. This is consistent with the fact that pass rates in these subjects in Uganda Certificate of Education have also been low, impacting the transition to UACE”Mr Dan Odongo said.

According to the examiners, the improvement in question approach and improved writings this year was also registered.

At least 34 inmates from Luzira prisons sat for the UACE and of which 30 were males and 4 were females.

The only challenge that is still affecting the science subject performance remain that schools are handling science subjects theoretically and yet they are supposed to be practical due to the inadequate practical apparatus.

According to the UNEB officials, the subsidiary ICT was poorly performed because of the unequipped laboratories for practicals.


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