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REBRANDING : The MK Movement Adopts A New Name.

Yesterday afternoon, the Muhoozi Kainerugaba Movement (MK Movement) revealed its new adopted name in a press briefing that was attended by different NRM Members of Parliament, politicians and other public figures.

The new adopted name ” PATRIOTIC LEAGUE OF UGANDA” has replaced the famous brand name of their pressure group (MK Movement ), that they have been using in the last 17 months.

The shared paper work of this new PLU indicates that they will be working towards reviving a spirit of good citizenship among Ugandans, national pride, national service, protection of vulnerable persons, combating corruption & wastage of public resources and protection of the environment.

In his speech at this event, Hon. Mike Mukula said ” NRM has reduced the load from you, Yoweri Kaguta has done his part, it is now incumbent on you young people to take Uganda forward. It was done in Cuba when Fidel Castro stepped aside, it was done in North Korea, It was done in ANC, it has been done in Tanzania with the Chama Cha Mapinduzi and we will do it here in Uganda. We will mange the transition very well and i want to assure you that Muhoozi is your answer.”

Reading Through The Lines.

The launch of this Patriotic League Of Uganda comes in at the time where even the opposition is re-organising it’s self under their alliance of ”United Forces Of Change” .

This rises a lot of questions like; Is PLU preparing for the 2026 general elections, will Gen. Muhoozi stand against his father or is it NRM that is rebranding?

We will be getting answers to these questions with time, though they say that the Patriotic League Of Uganda is non-partisan, none denominational and non-sectarian.


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