In a dramatic turn of events, five prominent figures found themselves behind bars in Luzira Prison, facing serious allegations of financial impropriety. Michael Mawanda, the...
In the bustling town of Masaka, a dramatic turn of events unfolded as Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, the Member of Parliament for Nyendo-Mukungwe Division, revealed his...
Mathias Mpuuga’s thanksgiving celebration in Masaka today attracted tremendous excitement and interest among his fans. Over 10,000 people attended the ceremony, which was hosted in...
Rwanda has been known for its commitment to welcoming refugees and providing them with a safe haven and currently is hosting approximately 127,000 refugees and...
If you think your’e good in creating strong passwords, this new technology is unbeatable . It has been discovered that a clever guessing algorithm can...
The management of Okonguarri Psychotherapeutic Center in Namibia has barred three Members of Parliament from visiting Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi of Buganda, who has been...
“This afternoon, I had the privilege of welcoming the esteemed Emorimor, Papa Paul Sande Emolot, to my office. During our meeting, he shared the various...
South Africa’s parliament has re-elected Cyril Ramaphosa as president after a landmark coalition deal between the governing African National Congress (ANC) and opposition parties. Ramaphosa won...