In a number of localities, traditional methods including baskets, traps and mosquito nets continue to be used. The gear commonly used includes gill nets, lift...
Yesterday morning, news came in at our news desk, indicating a robbery in Zigot, Mityana district. The Kabaka’s territorial head of that area was attacked...
WUUNO AGENDA OKUDDA MU BIGERE BYA PRESIDENT MUSEVENI MU BBIRI ABIRI MU MUKAAGA(2026) Bulyoomu yesunga kwaaniagenda okuddako okulembera UGANDA yattu, abamu nga bali mu tagende...
Rumours swirl about Uganda’s politics, questioning if President Museveni will seek another term or if his son will succeed him. Different political parties aim to...
Botanically speaking ginger is a vegetable; Its a root vegetable, and the root is called a rhizome. Other rhizomes include turmeric, galangal, and lotus. The...