Mathias Mpuuga, a Ugandan politician, faced a backlash from the people of Masaka when he attempted to take credit for introducing Robert Kyagulanyi, also known...
Christopher Ssebadduka, also known as Jjajja W’abayimbi, was a legendary Ugandan musician considered the grandfather of Kadongo Kamu music. Born in 1926, Ssebadduka began performing...
Giddes Chalamanda indeed sang “Buffalo Soldier” before Bob Marley. While Bob Marley’s version, released in 1983, is more widely known, Chalamanda recorded his own version...
Emotions are natural and essential to the human experience. They help us connect with others, build relationships, and make decisions. In personal and social contexts,...
This remarkable book is a comprehensive tribute to Uganda’s beloved musician, composer, and social critic, Paul Job Kafeero. One Little Guitar: The Words of Paul...
The Ugandan music industry has faced its share of tragedies, including the untimely deaths of singers Cornelius Oloya (Master Blaster) and Galiwango (Dizzy Nuts). Master...