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Parliament’s Deputy Speaker’s Lavish Palace Raises Concerns About Misuse Of Public Funds.

While many Ugandans are struggling to make ends meet and facing poverty and lack of basic necessities, it is disheartening to see government officials living such lavish lifestyles at the expense of the development of the country. The construction of such a grandiose residence raises serious questions about the allocation of resources and the priorities of our leaders.

As public servants, ministers and other government officials have a responsibility to use public funds wisely and in the best interest of the citizens they serve. Building multi-million dollar palaces while the country is in desperate need of infrastructure development, healthcare, and education is a clear betrayal of that duty.

It is imperative that measures are put in place to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of public funds, and that government officials are held to a higher standard when it comes to their personal expenditures. The lavish lifestyle of ministers like Thomas Tayebwa must not come at the cost of the development and progress of Uganda as a whole.


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