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OPINION: Who Is Responsible?

The personal owned businesses and companies are taking the lead in torturing their employees psychologically by delaying their salaries or paying them inadequate money, while making them work day and night with out a single day of resting.

Most of the companies are employing people that they cant afford as far as payments are concerned. They need good and hardworking employees, but when it comes to payment, they are always cheated or underpaid.

Every year, police responds to a bout 535 cases of suicide crime scenes. According to2019 Police annual crime report, 456 suicide scenes were processed and 223 attempted crime scenes were reported.


This is all caused by problems with social networks, negative life events, higher psychological distress and and the poor standards of living. That is why as employers, we should put a lot of emphasis on the mental health of our employees, their working conditions and the wages / salaries we pay them.

The employees are also humans and therefore they need personal requirements and what to use in taking care of their families.

This all comes after the collapse of one employee from a certain private business in Mbarara who jumped from the 5TH flour of the building because of the delayed salaries.

It is said that the late had not yet received the January salary and decided to jump over since he had some family issues that he could not solve without money and of which he expected to get from his January salary.


In this go back to school season no one should jock with someones money because most of the people have all their eyes on that a mount no matter how much it is.

Bosses take your responsibilities to be friendly to your employees give them chances to speak up their minds so that you can know what is really going on with their lives.


Who should be blamed for these cases, because people are confused, should the URSB be blamed for registering irresponsible business or the employer.

Such problems should be worked on shortly because since it has started it means it is
going to be considered normal.

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