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Ugandan traders go on sit down strike over unfair taxes, EFRIS

Kampala July 31—Ugandan traders under their organisation, Kampala Capital City Traders Association (KACITA) have gone on a sit-down strike Wednesday July 31st, closing their shops demanding to meet President Yoweri Museveni to meet them and solve their grievances.

Shops on anumber of streets in the city centre, including Kampala road, Ben Kiwanuka street, Nakivubo road, Allen road, Nkruma road, William street, the popular Kikuubo lane and others remained closed with owner standing outside their shops as hawkers took their day selling their merchandise on the veranda. But down town business was normal. Riot Police and UPDF soldiers were deployed on the streets in the city in case riot break out.

This strike was sparked off by the postponement of a traders’ meeting with President Museveni that was due 31st July 2024 for the second time to find solution to their grievances. The meeting had been scheduled for June 20th 2024, but was postponed to 31st July.

The traders are protesting against the high taxes on imports and the use of Electronic Fiscal Receipting and invoicing system, EFRIS, which traders say it double taxes them and other do not understand it. The traders are also protesting against foreign investors dealing in petty businesses supposed to be for the nationals.  

The postponement of the meeting was communicated to the traders’ organisation, KACITA, on a Whatsapp message by the Minister for Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs, Ms Minsa Kabanda, on grounds that the venue, Kololo Independence grounds was under renovation, which angered the traders and called for a sit-down strike until they meet the president.   

 KACITA spokesperson, Isa Sekitto, criticised the mode of communication minister Minsa Kabanda used to inform them of the President’s cancellation of their meeting saying that that it is unprofessional and disrespectful especially for the matter involving the entire business community.

Sekitto urged traders to Participate in the strike but remain calm and peaceful and emphasized the importance of demonstrating unity in their cause.

Sekitto dismissed the excuse of Kololo Independence ground of being under renovation, saying that the President should have met them at another venue  be it at the Conference centre or Namboole stadium or Nakivubo stadium.  

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