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Bobi Wine, Rubongoya And EC Dragged To Court Over Frauduent Swapping of NUP Cnstitution With a Forged One

By Del Wilbert Omony

As the country draws nearer to the 2026 general elections, a lot dramma is still unfolding most especially on the side of the leading opposition political party in country the National Unity platform (NUP) is not about to come an end.

Information reaching our news desk has revealed alot concerning the bikering and infights at the Kavule based National Unity Platform.

The founding members of NUP party led by Kibalama Moses Nkoge have since dragged the current leadership to the High Court Civil Division, civil suit number 165 of 2024 for illegal swapping of the National Unity Platform party constitution and

inserted a forged copy at the Electoral Commission registrythrough cnivernce wiyh some some electoral commission officials of the political parties unit name withheld due to the sensetivity of the matter under intense investigations.

Our investigative solders managed to speak to the man who ushered in the Kyagulanyi team into NUP Nkonge Moses Kibalama who is in a dare healthy state because of the marginalisation of the Kyagulanyi crew and this what he had to reveal to us without fear of contradiction.

He is very bitter with Kyagulanyi not because of anything else but because of the way Kyagulanyi has turned out to be a disgrace to the party whose aims and objectives are clear but rather chose to turn the party into a musical band of the sort.

Kyagulanyi not only turned the party into a musical band also the issues ofv falsification and forggery of party documents to try and close everyone outside with an intention of only deploying his crew and family members a thing that has left other members including the founders and founding members wondering on how to oust this unconstitutinal person working towards sinking party as opposed to why it was founded way back in 2004.

Kibalama intimated to us how he feels betroyed by the person he thought was serious but only to be let down by the same.

He however revealed to us that this issue of forging the party documents wont easily be left un checked but rather is going to be delt with to its logical conclusion and some people will end up at Kitalya maximum prison because this is criminal act and we shall not contInue working with this team come 2026 and the subsequent years.

Kibalama went on stress that the electoral commission as a regulator has not done much on its supervisory roles because something that is self explanatory like the Rubongoya, Kyagulanyi document inform of a constitution which has no even a single feature of authenticity but they continue keeping them in the party constitution which leaves a lot of questions on who exactly these mad fellows are working for but never the less we shall not accept this impunity because electoral commission doest give out parties but parties are registered by individuals and individuals bear the visions of these political organisations .

It should be remembered that at the peak of ”Togikwatako” in the parliament of the republic of Uganda, Kyagulanyi did step on top the parliamentary table and broke the microphones of parliament something nobody in the history of this country has ever done to find him forging and falsifying party documents which he found on record in the he was ushered in without his contribution in it’s formation.

And this is a kind of leader the people of Uganda have chosen for the choice to replace the aging Museveni who at all times has secured his intetions through the guiding channels of the political game. This serves to explain to Ugandans what this kind of person can be when he is given authority over national issues and government.

Because he has exibted great trends of immaturity and introrancy towards the way he handles his administrative roles and thereby declared by the team which ushered him to the national unity platform a failure of all times and hence concidering a better replacement for him come the next electral period.

Nkonge moses Kibalama in his closing remarks apologised to the nation and all members of national unity platform for having not taken a second though bringing Kyagulanyi and his crew into the party without kneely studing their characters.

He further clarified that Kyagulanyi to NUP by way of a memorandum of understanding (written) which he didn’t respect at all from the word go and therefore a case which disqualifies him and his crew from the national unity platform upon whose formation has no contribution at all as he has always hoodwinked his supporters.

There is growing panic and tension at kavule and seventh street at the home of the electoral commission after Kibalama serving them with a notice of intetion to sue if nothing is done in three(3) working days about the falsification of the national exective committee members and office bearer’s list and the swaping of the party’s constitution .

One of the national unity platform’s lawyers and a close friend to Kyagulanyi and Rubongoya who was in attendance to crisis meeting called to discuss the possible means on how to avart the problem intimated to our reporter that the lawyer advised

Kyagulanyi crew to seek for an immediate meeting with Kagombe who was very fundamental at the time the leadership shifted from Kibalama to Kyagulanyi to possibly see if Kibalama and team can reverse their decision of dragging them to court to defend matters of forgery and falsification of party documents.

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