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THE MISUSE OF RESOURCES : How The Country Will Lose Much Money In Promoting Wild Life Due To Incompetence.

Despite the negativity that followed the plan by the Government to spend 10 billion in the breeding of lions in Uganda, Some legislator and activists have defended the project saying that the money would be critical at boosting and increasing lion population in Uganda.

According to the UWEC in 2022, Uganda had about 460 lions, but the number has dropped to about 310 lions.

The decrease in the number of the lions is all related to the human wild conflict.

This is much money though these wild animals contribute much towards the development of the tourism industry because it is a good source of income to the country.

The failure of the concerned personnel to work on their responsibilities, it has made the citizens suffer as the budget is not favoring the common man but instead the lions.

The failure of the game rangers to control poaching of which could be the strong cause of the reduction in the number of lions and some other animals is making a lot of people suffer due to the fact that these people receive a lot of money as their salaries, they have failed to do what they are supposed to do and they have become reluctant.

The ministry of wildlife failing to control the settlement and encroachments in National parks that is increasing everyday, which is making the wild animals scare a way and end up moving a way from their residence and move to other places where they will not be stable and being at a risk of being killed by the people.

The failure of the Government to rehabilitate those people that are trying to encroach the National parks yet they are providing settlements to the refugees from other countries forgetting that their are Ugandans that are refugees in their own country who also need help so that they do not encroach into these national parks because of survival reasons.

Another point to consider is the Government failure to put measures on controlling the increasing population of which could be the main cause of the encroachment.

The inactive Laws against poaching are also behind the reduced number of the lions.

All in all the money set for the breeding of lions may also not be utilized by doing what it is supposed to do if the policies are not strengthened and if the responsible personnel are not determined to do what they are supposed to do.


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