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SPECIAL REPORT: Teenage Mother Hood In Slum Areas.

Their has been an increase in the the number of teenage mother hood and single mothers in slum areas and most of the Ugandans were worried and trying to get the particular cause, but TV 10 has found out the very common causes.

Mrs Sharon Kemigisha a woman councillor representing Wandegeya Kawempe division said that at least most of the causes of these teenage motherhood are due to lack of enough schools and other training centers in their area.

According to the reports recorded and provided by Mrs Sharon, Katanga zone alone registered more than 120 teenage pregnancies in two years of Covid19.

“The government should be blamed for it has failed to play its responsibilities of providing facilities such as health services, water and educational centers. there is no single school in Katanga zone. Now what could stop the young children from involving in sexual cases when they are always approached by older men who confuse them.

Mrs Sharon further said that the challenge they are still facing in Katanga is that most of the children lack parental guidance as most of their parents have lost hope in everything they can do.

“Teenage motherhood and single mothers is a combination of two because if the mother was pregnant at a young age and dropped by a man it means the young one will also take up the habits of the mother or the mother will fail to spare time for the young children as she is trying to do both the responsibilities,”she added.

Its not that teenage motherhood is increased and brought a bout by the increased social places in the area but because the human personality is slowly by slowly getting out the human people to the extent that people no longer care even when they find a young person in wrong acts.

“Due to the fertility rate in women in the area, they are producing many children and they stay in very small rooms of which cannot allow privacy and hence make the child experience things that are not appropriate to their age” She said.

Another challenge that is still faced by the people in the area is that drug a abuse has remained a very big issue to address because it is contributing much towards teenage mother hood.

All can be reduced and controlled by changing the mindset of the people leaving in these slam areas this can be done by carrying out daily sensitization on how to take care and protecting the girl child from teenage motherhood.

She further called up all the gender based organisation to also consider educating the boy child as they are trying to fight for the girl child because if this is not done it will be difficult to get caring and responsible men.


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