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Change Of Ideology Costed Them:  Lawyers Nicholas Opio, George Musisi Declined Bobi Wine’s Offer To Appointment Them As Head NUP Legal Team…

National Unity Platform (NUP) President Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu who is commonly know as Bobi Wine desperately looking for a serious lawyer for his party to replace the former head of legal late Anthony Wameli as party legal department head.

Since Wameli’s demise in early 2023, Bobi Wine has approached a number of lawyers who are good and well versed with activism like Wameli but they have all declined to take his offer citing personal issues.

Highly placed sources in NUP told the might TV10GanoMazima that celebrated human rights lawyer Nicholas Opio was the first to decline Bobi Wine’s offer explaining that the job he wanted to give him needed a lot of time which he currently does not have because he has other issues to handle.

Bobi Wine believed so much in Opio because he is the one who connected him to serious international partners including his international lawyer Robert Amsterdam.

Because of activism, Opio was arrested in December 2020, charged and remanded to Luzira prison on charges related to money laundering which were dismissed by court later on.

As the search continues our sources confirmed to TV10GanoMazima that Opio, a brother to Justice and Constitutional affairs Minister Nobert Mao was pressured to meet President Museveni to defend himself concerning the allegations placed on him and as we speak now he decided to keep him self away the main activism.

Some of the allegations involved being the link for the money that Bobi Wine used in the 2021 presidential elections from foreign funders.

Sources said that Opio is rehabilitating himself from the trauma he suffered when he was imprisoned and his Chapter Four, a Non-Government Organisation temporarily closed.

Sources disclosed that once the negotiations with Opio failed, Bobi Wine turned to another human rights lawyer George Musisi who also declined to take NUP’s juicy job citing personal issues.

Musisi is a friend of Benjamin Katana the Treasurer General of NUP and together they are running Pace Advocates, a law firm in Kampala.

Bobi Wine wanted to replace Wameli with a person of the same character who can face judges without fear.

It should be remembered that Wameli fearlessly exhibited his activism traits in the 2021 presidential election petition when he swore an affidavit exposing Chief Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo.

He later supported the petition for Bobi Wine to withdraw his case before the Supreme Court.

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1 comment

Canan Kaboggoza January 22, 2024 at 12:44 pm

Good content team, go on brothers, reading from Manchester Uk


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