H.E President Vladimir Putin has made his first trip to China ever since he won his fifth term as the President of Russia on the invitation of President Xi Jinping.
The 71 year old gentleman received a very warm welcome from the people and government of China with a fantastic reception outside the Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, where he received salutations from China’s troops and other children who were happy to have him in their country again.
The two Presidents ( Xi and Putin) held talks and even signed a joint statement that is aimed at strengthening their long term relationship as neighbouring countries.
We should all remember that in 2023, the Republic of China saved close to $10 billion dollars in only purchasing oil from countries that were sanctioned by the United States.
The sanctions were aimed at curtailing the economies of countries like Russia, Iran and Venzuela, but China was able to purchase their oil, which played a big role in sustaining their economies.
In his remarks at the joint press conference that the two leaders held, President Xi said, “China is willing to jointly achieve the development and rejuvenation of our respective countries, and work together to uphold fairness and justice in the world.”

If you give an analytical eye to Xi’s invitation of Putin, this is a symbolic visit to show the unwavering support the two countries have for each other amidst pressure and un ending sanctions they are getting from the United States Of America and some parts of Europe.
Just last week, Russia launched an offensive in Ukraine’s north eastern Kharkiv region, though Zelenskyy’s troops are still waiting for military supplies from the United States, but in all this, China is still playing a neutral role to see that peace prevails in these areas. China even proposed a 12 point Ukraine peace plan.
On this State visit, the two Presidents are expected to take part in the 75 year celebration ever since the Soviet Union recognised the People’s Republic Of China, a day that completely changed the entire history of Modern China.

While speaking to the media, President Putin said ” “In a famous song of that time, 75 years ago, it is still performed today and there is a phrase that has become a catchphrase; Russians and Chinese are brothers forever.”