Talent can be simply explained as the natural ability to be good at something or being able to complete tasks in a way that is perfect or unusual. We have very many common examples of talents like athletics, music, writing, acting, Art, fashion and designing and so many others.
However most of these can be able to generate income when turned into business ideas. One of the talents that have proved to be interesting when turned into business is Fashion and Designing.
This could be defined as the art of applying design aesthetics, clothing construction and natural beauty to clothing and its accessories. This industry has proved to be one of the most thriving industries in Uganda when it comes to economy. The industry has grown due to various factors but mostly the middle class people have supported the industry through increasing in the demand of their products. The outstanding personalities in the industry say that the middle class minds and cares about public appearance and prestige which makes them demand more of the products hence it surviving.

However the industry has faced a number of challenges of these mainly is the importation of second hand clothes. These bring out competition since they are sold on a cheaper price. These further more kill the creativity of Ugandans since they are always already made. This leads to the decline of the market of cotton growing industry since 5% of the cotton produced is consumed by Ugandans which is not a pleasant number.

However joining this industry especially when one has the Talent would be the real deal because the expected compound Annual growth rate for the next four years (2024-2028) will be 10.6 resulting in a projected market volume of US $21.1 million by 2028.