Confusion and discrepancies marred the first day of the 2024 national census causing people to lose morale which they had in this year’s census exercise.
The discrepancies started from materials arriving in the areas late while others waited for the materials in vain, while others the tablets that were to be used failed due to wrong software or mechanical problems or lack of technical knowledge and lack or unstable internet availability.

Apart from the material, the exercise was also hit by facilitation of the temporary field workers recruited for the exercise which includes allowances for various categories of enumerators and supervisors which most workers complained of being insufficient. However the local leaders who were requested to accompany the enumerators, were not catered for in terms of allowances.

These discrepancies led the exercise to delay or to be postponed in some areas on this opening day.
In areas where the exercise went on smoothly, people were disgusted with a trail of questions they were being asked especially those related to their income and those they think were a secrecy to them. The trail of questions is likely to prolong the exercise.

The census exercise is to last for ten days and the discrepancies on the opening are likely to be corrected as the exercise progresses.